Ā RESONATE: Music, Mindset & MarketingĀ 

Building Buzz: How to Generate Excitement Around Your Single or EP Release in 2024 artist development professional singers recordyourep release your ep release your single 2023 spotify release Mar 18, 2024

Capturing the attention of your audience is more crucial than ever in the fast-paced world of the new music industry. Generating excitement around your single or EP release requires creativity,...

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Tryfan Music
5 Tips to Achieving Your Music Goals in 2024
5 Tips to Achieving Your Music Goals in 2024 artist development artistdevelopment mindset music industry professional singers release your ep singersongwriter succeedinmusic Jan 30, 2024

As we start 2024, singers, songwriters and recording artists find themselves at a good point to strategise and set goals for their music careers. The landscape of the new music industry never...

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How To Get Discovered in the New Music Industry artist development get discovered independent recording artists new music industry professional singers record deals Sep 25, 2023

In the age of digital media and global connectivity, the path to becoming a recognized recording artist has evolved dramatically, especially in more recent years. 

While the days of record...

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Getting Booked to Play Live? Top Tips to Fill Your Gig Calendar bands independent recording artists live bookings new music industry playing live professional singers Sep 18, 2023

Getting booked to play live as a pro singer, indie recording artist or band can be a challenging but rewarding goal if you want to build a successful career in music. 

Here are some top tips...

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3 Reasons Why Every Singer Should Record and Release Their Dream EP independent recording artists music industry professional singers release your ep Sep 01, 2023

For professional singers, the journey from sharing their music in intimate venues to crafting an EP that resonates with audiences far and wide is an exciting and transformative experience. 


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